
Are multiple-choice questions too easy?

Are multiple-choice questions too easy?

There are assumptions about digital testing that are not always correct. These assumptions create unwarranted doubt about the positive effect or added value of digital testing. One of these assumptions is that with multiple-choice questions, everyone will guess. The exam then becomes too easy. Is that right? Are multiple-choice questions too easy?

Gambling probability in multiple choice questions

The big difference between open and closed questions is that with closed questions you choose from answer options. That allows you to “gamble. Thus, with closed questions, there is a chance of guessing. This means that the probability is that a candidate will give a correct answer while not knowing the answer. Still, “gambling” does not always help in getting a good score. Why is that?

Solution: adjust caesura

When calculating points for multiple-choice questions, this guessing probability is taken into account. This is also called the caesura, or the line between a pass or fail. Due to the presence of the probability of gambling, the caesura can be raised. As a result, you take into account the probability of gambling by influencing the bag and pass limit.

The ‘bluff chance’ of open-ended questions

The guessing probability of multiple-choice questions can be compared to the “bluffing probability” of open-ended questions. Even if you don’t know the answer exactly, you can still formulate an almost correct answer. An evaluator then assigns points to the formulated answer, even if it is not exactly the same as the intended answer. Also read: how do you evaluate open-ended questions objectively?

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