Many educational institutions choose to establish an examination board. But what exactly does an examination board do? And what should you look for when putting together an examination board in terms of expertise, duties and responsibilities?
An examination board often performs tasks that can be done just fine by teachers. However, this group of people has no stake in the implementation of education, the student population and/or other stakeholders. Thus, by establishing an examination board, you guarantee the independence of decisions about examinations.
The expertise of the examination board can be broadly divided into testing and subject matter expertise. Testing expertise within the examination board is important to ensure the quality of examinations. Subject matter expertise is important in assessing whether examination instruments contain appropriate content and whether exemptions apply. To ensure support within the field and external validation of examinations, representatives of interested parties often sit on an examination board. Consider subject matter experts from industry associations or large corporations.
Examination committees come in many different shapes and sizes. However, they have some crucial tasks in common. These tasks relate to assuring the quality of examination and certification. Specifically, you can think of:
In practical terms, this includes:
The chair of the examination board ensures that supported decisions are made and that these decisions are followed up. A chairperson structures and monitors the progress of meetings to ensure proper decision-making. In some situations, the chairman also plays a pivotal role in communicating with “the outside world. Consider involved teacher teams, student groups and/or interested employers.
An examination board is not only a collection of independent experts in testing and subject matter, but above all, a useful and crucial player in quality and reliable testing.
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