
Can you digitize practice tests?

Can you digitize practice tests?

With an increase in distance education, remote (practical) testing is also a very relevant topic. Practice review has great advantages and is a highly sought after form of review at all. Of course, not all practice elements can be tested digitally. Yet there are several applications for which it is indeed a possibility.

Why practice testing?

Several advantages and disadvantages can be identified for practice testing. By far the biggest advantage is that a good practice test is the most relevant way of testing. After all, if you can demonstrate mastery of a skill, you are most likely to be able to start as an entry-level professional. In addition, there is usually great support for this form of testing, however exciting for candidates.

A major drawback is that practice testing is never completely free of subjectivity. However, this disadvantage is fairly easy to minimize. For example, you can concretize the criteria on which you test into specific metrics and train evaluators on how to properly handle these criteria and metrics.

Applications of digital practice tests

For some practical actions, digital practice testing is simply impossible. Think of actions such as replacing car parts in car repairs or setting syringes by a nurse.

But if we zoom in further on practice review, there are some things that do qualify for digitization:

  1. Review of judgment;
  2. Practice review of written product;
  3. Review of interview techniques;
  4. Facilitate with digital resources.

1. Review of judgment

Some actions result from a pre-formed judgment, for example, performing an MOT inspection. Such actions are easily tested with a digital practice test. In addition, judgment is often part of a practical act. This variant of judgment is also good for digital testing. Consider the work of a sales associate. An exam assignment could be: ‘estimate customer needs based on this video’. This assessment is then part of the practical act of “making a sales call.

2. Practical testing of written product

In addition, you can test actions in which the candidate produces a written product just fine digitally. For example, consider the Buitengewoon Opsporingsambten (BOA) issuing an official report based on a situation sketch, shown in a video. Another example is the preparation of part of the financial statements by an accountant. Practice-related activities that can be easily digitized given the end product.

3. Review of interview techniques.

You can also test behaviors that occur during conversations digitally. A candidate is then first shown a situation sketch (in a video) and then responds directly via webcam. Upon completion of the practice test, the evaluator reviews the candidate’s displayed responses. Think of responding to the interlocutor in a negotiation conversation or giving an (initial impetus of an) opinion. It’s obviously not the same as conducting a negotiation or counseling session, but basically you can test someone’s ability to respond well to what’s going on in a situation.

4. Facilitate with digital tools

Digital resources can additionally support (practical) testing (at a distance). For example, when performing role-playing. The use of digital tools, such as a camera and an online connection eliminate the need to all be in the same location. In addition, even the quality of assessment can increase with this method of testing: by recording the role-play, it can be viewed multiple times during assessment. Another example in which digital tools facilitate (practical) assessment in a positive way is the use of assessment software in the secure, complete and organized completion, storage and transmission of assessment forms.


Practice tests can definitely be (partially) digitized! Thus, various aspects of practicality are perfectly fine to test digitally. Moreover, digital support for practice tests often improves quality and safety.


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