If you want to make a good test, statistical analysis is essential. One of the statistical measures that says something about an exam question is the trip value. But what exactly is a ride value? And how does a ride value fit into the process of digital review?
Even though we write ride-value in lower case, it is actually an acronym/letter word. Indeed, RIT stands for:
In testing jargon, the ride value means: the correlation (r) between the item score (i) and the total score (t).
A trip value indicates how well the item individually, measures the same as the test as a whole. In other words, how well the item in question fits the test. The ride value shows how the item differentiates between candidates with high scores on the test and those with low scores on the test. Thereby, the ride value indicates the distinctiveness of the item.
If you plot the p-value (read also: what is the p-value?) and the trip value against each other in a graph, you get insight into which items should be critically evaluated. The items in the red areas should at least be scrutinized. It is noticeable in the figure below that there are very many easy items (high p-values).
Combined demand analysis – p-value and trip value
The standard of an acceptable trip value varies widely. The following norms are generally used in the literature (Veldhuijzen, Goldebeld & Sanders, 1993). As a side note, the standards below are only guidelines that may vary from situation to situation.
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