
Taking digital exams through online proctoring

We have all experienced it. The day of the exam has arrived. Because the train is a bit delayed, you arrive just in time at the exam site. You walk into the main hall and feel the tension around you. Not only the unfamiliar surroundings and sounds, but also the supervisors who are watching you make you slightly nervous…

  1. What is online proctoring?
  2. Live proctoring
  3. Storage & checking
  4. Automated proctoring
  5. How to prevent fraud?
  6. How will examinations be taken in the future?

What is online proctoring?

Online proctoring makes it possible to take exams anywhere and at any time through remote surveillance. Provided that the exam candidate has Internet. Of course, the exam candidate always has to give permission first for the collection and storage of data.

There are three forms of online proctoring. Which variant and accompanying possibilities are applied depends on the (social) value of the exam and the needs of the customer.

Live proctoring

Online proctoring of the candidate takes place live by means of an audio recording, access to the screen, a webcam and/or a mobile phone. The supervisor (proctor) can correct the candidate directly or intervene if applicable and desired.

Storage & checking

After the exam has taken place, the proctor can look back at the complete test moment. This includes a recording of the computer screen as well as the circumstances in which the candidate took the exam. Think e.g. of the examination room, the ambient sounds and/or the behaviour of the candidate.

Automated proctoring

Checks are performed during the exam by detection software that identifies incidents such as abnormal behaviour or noises from the surroundings. Based on this, the supervisor can determine possible fraud afterwards.

How to prevent fraud?

Fraud prevention plays an important role in examinations in general and therefore also in online proctoring. It concerns both identity fraud and fraud involving aids. With regard to identity fraud, biometric identification (palm, face or voice recognition) and keystrokes are dynamic ways to combat examination fraud. Here, physical characteristics and the way you behave are used for identification. In terms of aids, the examination room is screened through the use of a webcam, mobile camera and screen sharing. This is only the tip of the iceberg and technological developments are moving fast.

How will examinations be taken in the future?

There are many innovations in digital testing. It is not inconceivable that technological developments such as artificial intelligence and virtual reality will contribute to the various forms and phases of exam logistics (taking, supervision, correction) in the (near) future. Think of the automated correction of open questions or testing your skills in a virtual reality environment. At the moment, this is not only costly, but also still only in its technological infancy.

 If you want to know more about this subject or about digital assessments general, leave your details here and receive our ebook ‘The Power of Digital Testing’.

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