
Multiple entry question

Multiple entry question in digital assessment

The use of different question types has become indispensable in the world of assessment and examination. One of the question types that is widely used are the multiple entry questions. But what exactly are these questions and what are their important features?

What is a multiple entry question?

An entry question is a question type that asks the candidate to complete an incomplete sentence or calculation and fill in the missing part. There is a difference here between a single entry question and its multiple entry counterpart. With the latter, the candidate must enter an answer in multiple input fields. This can be useful for asking multiple questions over a concise piece of text.

Example and score distribution of a multiple entry question

Example: World War I began in ___ and ended in ____.

Answer options: This question type requires the candidate to know both the beginning and ending year of World War I.

Point count:For the above entry question, you may choose to give one point for each correct answer. If either answer is incorrect, only one point can be earned.

Advantages of a multiple entry question

There are a number of advantages the question type has in terms of digital assessment:

  • Assess different knowledge and skills: Using multiple entry questions allows you to assess a wide range of knowledge and skills. This is because multiple answer choices are offered, forcing candidates to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of certain topics.
  • Fast and easy to use: Multiple entry questions can be answered quickly and easily. The candidate can answer the question within a limited space on his or her screen, adding to the user-friendliness of the digital test.
  • Flexible question type: Multiple entry questions can be used in different subject areas and can be adapted to different learning objectives and learning outcomes. This makes it a flexible question type that can be adapted to the specific needs of the testing organization.

Disadvantages of a multiple entry question

What are disadvantages to consider when using a multiple entry question in a digital test?

  • Limited information:With multiple entry questions, the candidate answers very specific portions of the material. Often the questions focus on facts and terminology. This can lead to a superficial assessment of knowledge and skills and understanding of a particular topic. So vary your use of different (closed) question types!
  • Wrong Answers: This question type runs the risk of the candidate accidentally giving a wrong answer. Typos or spelling errors may underlie this and negatively affect the assessment of the test.
  • Test technical knowledge required: The multiple entry question allows you to link different parts of the lesson material and show them to the candidate as a question. However, it requires some test expert knowledge to make the right link within the lesson material and set up the question correctly.

Tips for setting up a multiple entry question

  • Be clear about the desired answers: Make sure the candidate knows what is expected of him or her within the question. Is it a short answer? Or a number?
  • Add images:Add images to the digital test. This can help make the question more appealing and make the content easier to understand.
  • Have regard to level and skills: It is tempting within digital assessment software to go to the extreme. However, always keep the purpose of the test and the candidate’s level in mind!

Conclusion: the multiple entry question in digital assessments

The multiple entry question allows you to assess a wide range of topics and concepts. However, make sure that you use the question to take your test to the next level and that it really adds value to your test. Want to learn more about what options the Optimum Assessment Platform offers in terms of question types? Then contact us.

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