
Case description: Phased digitisation

The client supplies practical exams, partner exams and examination services. It sets the attainment and test targets for its diplomas and certificates itself, as well as carrying out the entire examination and certification process. Optimum Assessment was approached to carry out the phased digitisation of the client’s entire range and the underlying workflow.

The client has been using our testing platform since 2002 for the gradual transition to digital examination. And this has proven a successful approach, as by 2016, over 90 percent of the exams were taken digitally using our testing platform. At least ten different types of question are applied; multiple choice questions, open questions, multi-select questions, numerical questions, drag & drop questions, hotspot questions, ranking questions, video questions, essay questions and upload questions.

0 % digital exams

The client applies a segregation of duties for development, examination and assessment. It has therefore set up the test platform to apply different roles and rights per user. The client’s expert staff can carry out the entire assessment process in the application themselves. This is carried out, for instance, when the exams are held at its own test venue.


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